Voices is a celebration of the creativity, talent and imagination of Looked After Children and Care Leavers. Every year, young people write inspiring stories, poems, raps, and articles, hoping to be shortlisted for their awards ceremony in the Spring. Could you be one of them this year?
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Coram Voices Competition 2020

By the Bridge Foster Parents and Staff celebrate completing their Certificate in Therapeutic Fostering

It was a joyous day for our South East region on Tuesday 14 January, as By the Bridge Foster Parents and staff celebrated completing the final Certificate in Therapeutic Fostering offered by By the Bridge...
Read moreBy the Bridge East Midlands raise £1,000 for Macmillan

By the Bridge East Midlands raised over a £1,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support this Christmas with a festive coffee morning...
Read moreBy the Bridge Link Worker featured on Foster Talk’s Tree of Light

By the Bridge Supervising Social Worker, Gail Robinson, from our Eastern region has been successfully nominated to be featured on Foster Talk’s Tree of Light...
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