Being independent enables us to make decisions based on what’s best for our Foster children and Foster Parents - unlike many other providers. Our independence enables us to be innovative and creative in our approach to Fostering including enabling us to develop our unique and truly Therapeutic approach to Fostering.
Why Transfer to By the Bridge?
By the Bridge provides Foster Parents with skills, knowledge, tools, guidance and support they need to provide the very best care to children.
We have an excellent team of Foster Parents who are supported by our experienced local teams across the UK. Originally founded by Foster Parents in 2002, we are an independent and Therapeutic Fostering organisation with branches and Foster Parents across the North West; Midlands; East Anglia; Essex; Thames Valley; Sussex, and Kent.
Helping a child to discover their full potential, and giving them the best possible chance at happiness is what makes Fostering with us so rewarding. But we never forget that Foster Parents must be well cared for and valued too, if they are to do their very best work.
We understand that the quality and availability of support is key to helping Foster Parents manage the children in their care, and in turn this level of quality leads to the best futures for children and young people.