I'm a birth parent

Birth Families

If children are to grow into healthy adults they need the support of their birth families. By the Bridge with Cambian was set up by people who had been fostered themselves or who have fostered other people’s children. We have personal experience of how difficult it can be for everybody when children have to live apart from their families.


By the Bridge with Cambian is a fostering organisation which is not part of Social Services. We want children to do as well as they can and that means that we want all those who are important to the children to feel relaxed and comfortable, even when they are dealing with difficult things.


We know that the key to success is having a good relationship with you.


During the time that your child is with By the Bridge with Cambian there will be regular meetings to find out what your child needs, to see what progress is being made and to plan for the future. We want you to feel welcome at By the Bridge with Cambian and to know that we think that you working with us to help your child is vital.


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