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Considering Transferring?
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If you are considering transferring fostering agency, but are unsure where to start then you are in the right place. Many foster parents are looking to transfer organisations and you can rest assued that any conversations you have with By the Bridge will be in the strictest of confidence. We at By the Bridge always welcome existing Foster Parents who want to join our organisation, so the question is, what can we offer you?
There are many reasons people join us and we pride ourselves on our Therapeutic approach to fostering, our very experienced staff and our friendly and welcoming offices. We are always keen to work with foster parents that want to develop their skillset, learn a different way of working and ultimately give the child (or children) in their care the best possible life. We believe that every child is different and our therapeutic approach enables us to train our foster parents to better understand the children in their care and relate to their evolving needs.
We offer you the following when you transfer to us:
Our Foster Parents are recognised and treated as professionals and valued as the most important members of the specialist team working with the child. We understand that the quality and availability of support is key to helping foster parents manage the children in their care, and in turn this level of quality leads to the best futures for children and young people.
Please Contact Us for more information and to discuss your circumstances.